Become an Advanced Program Member

You can sign up to one of the programs below at any time during or at the end of your trial period. There are also add on programs too.

The Relevate Community is the intersection of skills, education and collaboration. If you want to take your tech career forward or if you would like to join the growing defence industry, join one of the ares below as an addition to membership.


For network activators that are primed for business growth  


Per month USD billed quarterly (annual available)
Cancel anytime. This is for you if you are looking to become more sophisticated and really scale. What's included:
All Accelerator and Launch Features
Uplevel members are vetted for quality and fit
Small group consulting and advisory
Higher level discussions
Advanced resources
Network activation sessions
Monthly Uplevel only events
Access to additional opportunities
Access to in person events
Info on getting government contracts


Apply to join the Quantum program to take business growth to the next level.


USD/month (quarterly and annual available)
Get access to the Relevate Community, one-to-one Digital Transformation advisory and access to advanced resources and connections. Get hands on implementation support in building and automating your empire in a done with you approach.
Access to Acelerator and Enterprise Uplevel (and Defence if applicable)
Regular one-to-one sessions to drive towards goals
Strategic introductions to key stakeholders and high value individuals 
Breakout Conversation Groups
Advanced resources
Links to other networks and learning resources.


For Defence Industry organisations primed for business growth. Join the Defence area and get advice and guidance on how to approach the defence market.


Per Month USD billed quarterly (annual available)
Cancel anytime. Sign up to Accelerator or Uplevel and apply to join Defence area as a bonus (pending a review). What's included:
Members are vetted for fit and security purposes
All Free and Government features
Higher level discussions
Network activation sessions
Advanced resources
Weeky Defence Industry Only Zoom
Defence Only Forum
Calendar of Defence events
Links to other networks and resources.


How often do you meet?

We meet every week over zoom but we can also communicate between meetings 24/7/365 in the online member portal. There are also face to face catch ups in selected regions. Check the book a meeting area above.

Is it another networking group

No, we are not a networking company. This is a community of customers and partners. We know that great things happen in a collaborative group of people that come together to support eachother so we are here to collaborate and are selective about who joins. There are no pitches, only learning and connecting.

Why does it cost that much?

We price the community to be accessible and a vallue add. Making it free attracts the wrong type of person so we cannot charge nothing. On average, we charge less than half of all the common networking platforms such as BNI or BX and less than half of the industry groups such as AIDN and others. We also have an affiliate program with a 50% revenue share, if you invite two members that become paid your membership is effectively free and then you can even make money by inviting others.

The point is to educate and add value, not to make money. We make just enough to cover technology costs and a little bit for events.

Is there a free plan?

Yes, we want to offer value and answer questions but some higher level discussions and networking happens in the paid area. Ther are also courses, discount codes, member only perks etc.

Join the International Digital Accelerator Today:

Don't Grow Your Business Alone - Join the Relevate Community!

Learn Critical Business Skills to Take You Places

Join a community of experts and entrepreneurs in the Relevate Business Community. No fluff, right to the point. Real world skills backed by science that you can apply in your business right now.

  • Learn sales, marketing & technology techniques
  • Refine your operational processes
  • How to guides, resources and templates
  • Ask questions & share ideas
  • Accelerate your business skills
  • Get tips and advice on the right software for your business

The Relevate Community is a supportive community of business leaders who want to grow and scale their operations. Join the community and we can help you do the same. Hurry, there are limited places, we are about quality not quantity.

Get a full 365-degree view of your customer, grow your business and keep your new and existing customers returning back for more.

Join the Relevate Community now!

Members of the Relevate Community usually find that it has helped them transform their businesses, saved them hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars in manual administration, allowed them to automate significant parts of their business, follow-up leads more effectively and get their lives back.

We provide a collaborative network of partners and help guide you through our analysis, design and build cycles; all you have to do is trust the process.

Check out some of our member testimonials below:

Come along to an intro meeting!

Join us for up to 4 free intro meetings, this is where we get to evaluate eachother for ideal fit.  Click the button below and book into an intro zoom in a timezone that suits you:

Overcome your next business challenge

There are tons of experts, partners and other business owners who have a wealth of experience. Ask your questions and share your roadblocks; the community is here to help.


I’m Avon, and after talking with many business owners and executives, one thing is clear. Things aren’t going as well as they would like.

One told me he felt like the Sun King – everything revolves around him. Another said she wasn’t clear on what motivates customers.

Others haven’t fully made the transition to digital and are scared the digital revolution will leave them behind.

Digital Automation in Volatile Times

There are new threats in volatile times, but new opportunities emerge, too.

Can digital acceleration offer new opportunities for growth and long-term business value for your business?

Here is the problem with many businesses today (especially founder-led businesses):

  • Too much IP in the Founder’s brain.

And not enough is converted into duplicate systems and processes. 

Therefore, the real value of the business will be diminished.

Do you want to sell your business for a tidy sum in the future?  It won’t happen unless every method and process has been systemised and optimised. 

Network and learn with a community of entrepreneurs that are going through or have have gone through all of the challenges you have ahead of you.

Join the Relevate Community.

Founder and CEO

Our Mission

To provide entrepreneurs with practical and measurable real world skills to help them survive and thrive in the ever changing world of business.

Our Vision

To create a world that is faster, more efficient and more connected.

Our Values

Community builders – we are better together. Building our networks and connect people together to make big things happen 

Knowledge Sharing – we don’t hoard information, instead we try to share it, make sense of it and  help others find answers 

Action takers – we follow through with our words and make things happen 

GoGivers – making connections and helping others comes back around. We grow by growing each other.  

Continuous improvement – The world is constantly evolving. We help each other to challenge norms, to grow and to always be improving.

Get on the path of automation now !

Sign up to our newsletter and learn about using automation in your business.


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Come along to 4 free meetings when you click the button below.

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